Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Bert Bedrosian featured in Harley Magazine

Bert Bedrosian
Bert Bedrosian
The Hollywood maxim “based on a true story” isn’t enough for H.O.G. member Bert Bedrosian. The Los Angeles-based entrepreneur and chairman of Strong Eagle Media uses video footage of military personnel to tell the stories of the camaraderie and heroism, and grief and sadness, experienced by American men and women in uniform.

“Our real motivation is that we don’t want anyone to forget,” says Bedrosian. The Strong Eagle Media team created this technique for the best-selling 2014 film “The Hornet’s Nest,” which tells the story of journalist Mike Boettcher and his son Carlos as they cover the war in Afghanistan. The latest project from Strong Eagle Media, “Apache Warrior,” is slated to be released in late October.

“‘Apache Warrior’ retells the experience of a squadron of 13 helicopters assigned to make the first deep strikes into Iraq at the beginning of that war in 2003,” says Bedrosian. “It goes very badly and turns into a rescue story. It’s very intense.”

Producing films like these requires great sensitivity toward the soldiers and their families, and extraordinary cooperation with the U.S. Department of Defense.

“We start by interviewing everyone and from those conversations develop a storyline,” says Bedrosian. “Then we use their video footage to recreate, as best we can, that story.” Bedrosian hopes these films endorse the current generation serving the United States. “These films show how incredibly brave and patriotic young people can be.”

Bedrosian has been enjoying the freedom of two wheels since he started riding a 50 cc dirt bike at age 9.

“A motorcycle has been the one thing that’s a consistent part of my life. I get on my Road King® and immediately disconnect,” says Bedrosian. “Riding a motorcycle is my meditation.”

“Apache Warrior” begins limited theatrical release in late October and will be available in physical and digital home entertainment formats in early December. Watch our social media channels and H.O.G. Insider for special viewing opportunities for H.O.G. members. Visit www.apachewarriorfilm.com.